From Generation to Generation
Beginning with our roots in the Piedmont Region of Italy, our family has been farming across the fertile soils of the San Joaquin Delta for four generations and over 85 years. We started out by focusing mainly on various row crops, alfalfa hay, and beef cattle production. In 2005 we decided to take decades of farming knowledge and establish a new venture in super high-density olive production. Today we farm 6-7 commodities on over 1000 acres including 150 acres of olives and 20 acres of vines.
Family Business
We aren’t ashamed to admit it. In the beginning we didn’t know the difference between fresh extra virgin olive oil or rancid oils often found in supermarkets or on chain restaurant tables. We didn’t know how best to grow an olive tree, how to press (or correctly termed, cold extract) olives to get the oil. We didn’t grow any vines and winemaking seemed as tedious as olive processing. We thought education ended at college graduation only to find out that we would soon spend another couple decades’ surrounding ourselves with very smart people in the olive oil and wine industries soaking up knowledge like a sponge. We found ourselves back in college accredited courses and in working internships. We listened to people smarter than us.
What we did know was we wanted to transition from seasonal row crops and chasing markets and get into planting some permanent crops. We knew our family members had a great marketing and sales background and we saw an opportunity to create a brand instead of just being a grower. We have put countless hours into learning and educating ourselves on what to do and definitely what NOT to do. Always striving to vertically integrate. We still learn something about these industries everyday and that is part of what makes them exciting.
At Coldani Olive Ranch and Coldani Family Winery we are literally a “Family Business”. Our immediate family, our spouses, five little ones running around along with a small but very dedicated group of employees are what encompasses our company; handling every aspect from tree/vine to bottle. When we say we know each and every bottle inside and out, we mean it, and we feel the passion we have to produce high quality extra virgin olive oil and wine resonates in our finished products.
Not Your Standard Flavored Olive Oil
Many flavored oils are made simply by adding flavoring or essences to regular olive oil and stirring it up. We literally crush together fresh produce, herbs and citrus together with our olives and essentially pull out the natural oils from both to create a true tasting healthy and quality flavored oil. We start our harvest with making these oils which means even our flavored oils are made using the highest quality olives. These oils are a healthy way to add spice, zest or culinary flair to any dish or meal. We invite you to taste the difference today.
Holding Our Products to a Standard
In only six years of entering competitions, we have won 143 Gold medals, 28 Best in Class, 18 Best of Show, 7 SOFI awards including one Overall SOFI Product of the Year, 7 Good Food Awards, 4 Best Local Product, a Best Overall Olive Oil in California Golden Bear award in 2017 & 2019 and one Producer of the Year. We like to use these awards as a barometer for our standards, a small pat on the back to our production teams, and assurance that you are presented with a quality product.
history in the making

An Invitation
to Good Taste
We welcome you to Coldani Olive Ranch and invite you to try our line of Calivirgin olive oils and vinegars. This educational tour is designed to give you some background history on our farming family company as well as teach you about how olive oil is made.